
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Get to Know Miss Delaware Teen USA 2019

The prestigious title of Miss Delaware Teen USA 2019 has been awarded to a remarkable young woman who has proven to be an exemplary role model for teenagers across the state. With her intelligence, grace, and dedication to community service, she has earned the admiration of her peers and the recognition of pageant judges.

The new Miss Delaware Teen USA 2019 is a talented and ambitious individual who has set her sights on making a positive impact in her community. She is passionate about using her platform to inspire others and promote causes that are close to her heart.

Throughout her reign, she will have the opportunity to participate in various events and appearances, where she will represent Delaware and make a difference in the lives of those she meets. From volunteering at local charities to speaking at schools and community events, she will use her title to raise awareness for important issues and serve as a role model for young people.

In addition to her commitment to community service, the new Miss Delaware Teen USA 2019 is also a dedicated student and leader in her school. She excels academically and is involved in extracurricular activities, showing that she is not only beautiful on the outside but also intelligent and driven.

As she embarks on her journey as Miss Delaware Teen USA 2019, she will undoubtedly face challenges and have many opportunities to grow and learn. However, with her determination and passion for making a difference, she is sure to make a lasting impact and leave a legacy that will inspire others for years to come.

In conclusion, the new Miss Delaware Teen USA 2019 is a shining example of what it means to be a role model and a leader. With her beauty, brains, and dedication to community service, she is sure to make a positive impact on the world around her and inspire others to follow in her footsteps. We look forward to seeing all that she will accomplish during her reign and beyond.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Catriona Gray’s Advice for Miss Universe Contestants

Catriona Gray, the reigning Miss Universe, is undoubtedly one of the most iconic winners in the history of the pageant. Her grace, intelligence, and beauty have won the hearts of millions around the world. As the new Miss Universe is crowned this year, Catriona is offering some valuable advice to the contestants vying for the prestigious title.

One of the key pieces of advice that Catriona has for the Miss Universe contestants is to always stay true to themselves. In a world where it is easy to get caught up in trends and societal expectations, Catriona emphasizes the importance of being authentic and embracing one’s individuality. She believes that true beauty shines from within and that being confident in oneself is the most powerful tool a woman can possess.

Furthermore, Catriona stresses the importance of being well-rounded and constantly striving for personal growth. She encourages the contestants to be well-versed in various topics and to expand their knowledge in order to be able to engage in meaningful conversations on a global stage. From politics to culture, Catriona believes that being informed and educated is essential for any Miss Universe contestant.

In addition, Catriona emphasizes the significance of giving back to the community and using the Miss Universe platform to make a positive impact. As a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF, Catriona has been actively involved in advocating for children’s rights and spreading awareness about important issues such as education and healthcare. She encourages the contestants to find a cause that they are passionate about and to use their voice to make a difference in the world.

Lastly, Catriona advises the contestants to always have a positive mindset and to never give up, even in the face of challenges. She herself faced numerous setbacks and failures before finally winning the Miss Universe title, but she never lost sight of her goal and continued to work hard towards it. Catriona believes that perseverance, determination, and a positive attitude are key ingredients for success in any endeavor.

As the Miss Universe competition heats up and the contestants prepare to showcase their talents and beauty on the world stage, they would do well to heed Catriona Gray’s advice. With her wisdom and guidance, she is truly a role model for women everywhere, inspiring them to be confident, compassionate, and empowered. Good luck to all the contestants, and may the next Miss Universe carry on the legacy of grace and beauty that Catriona has embodied during her reign.

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LEARN ABOUT OTHER: Beauty Pageants

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Is Miss USA facing difficulties?

Is Ms. USA in trouble? The iconic beauty pageant has faced scrutiny and criticism in recent years, as the competition’s relevance and impact on society continue to be questioned.

The Miss USA pageant, which has been held annually since 1952, has long been a popular event that showcases the beauty, talent, and intelligence of young women from across the country. However, in recent years, the pageant has faced challenges and controversies that have raised concerns about its future.

One of the main criticisms of the Miss USA pageant is that it perpetuates harmful beauty standards and objectifies women. Critics argue that the competition places too much emphasis on physical appearance and conformity to traditional beauty norms, rather than celebrating diversity and individuality. This has led to calls for a more inclusive and representative approach to the pageant, in order to better reflect the diverse range of women in society.

In addition, the pageant has also faced controversy over its handling of social and political issues. In recent years, Miss USA contestants have been asked to weigh in on topics such as gun control, healthcare, and LGBTQ rights, sparking debate and controversy. Some critics argue that the pageant should focus solely on beauty and talent, rather than involving contestants in contentious political debates.

Furthermore, the Miss USA pageant has also faced declining ratings and viewership in recent years, as more and more viewers turn away from traditional TV programming in favor of streaming services and online content. This has raised questions about the pageant’s ability to attract and retain a younger audience, as well as its overall relevance in a changing media landscape.

Despite these challenges, the Miss USA pageant continues to be a prominent cultural event that attracts attention and generates excitement each year. The competition remains a rite of passage for many young women who dream of competing on a national stage and showcasing their talents and accomplishments.

In conclusion, while the Miss USA pageant may be facing challenges and criticisms, it is clear that the competition still holds a special place in the hearts of many Americans. As the pageant continues to evolve and adapt to meet the changing expectations of society, it will be interesting to see how it navigates these challenges and remains relevant in the years to come.

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LEARN ABOUT OTHER: Beauty Pageants

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Monday, June 24, 2024

“India Wins Miss World 2023!” Video courtesy of Instagram user shreya.ix #MissUniverse #India #HairTutorial

In a historic win, India has been crowned Miss World 2023, marking a significant milestone in the pageantry world. The stunning beauty queen, whose name has not yet been revealed, has captured the hearts of millions with her grace, poise, and undeniable charisma.

The competition was fierce, with delegates from around the world vying for the coveted title. However, it was India who ultimately emerged victorious, stunning the judges and audience alike with her beauty and intelligence.

In a video shared on Instagram by user shreya.ix, we see a glimpse of the newly crowned Miss World’s journey to the top. From the initial auditions to the final coronation, we witness the hard work and dedication that went into achieving this prestigious title.

Not only is she a vision of beauty, but she also possesses a heart of gold. Throughout the competition, Miss World 2023 has dedicated her time to various charitable causes, using her platform to raise awareness and funds for those in need.

But it’s not just her beauty and philanthropy that have captivated audiences worldwide. Miss World 2023 is also a trendsetter when it comes to fashion and beauty. In the video, we see her flaunting the latest hair trends and sharing tips on how to achieve the perfect look.

As Miss World, she will now represent India on the global stage, promoting cultural awareness and unity. She will also continue her humanitarian efforts, using her newfound fame to make a positive impact on society.

Congratulations to Miss World 2023 from India! Your win is not just a victory for yourself, but for women everywhere. We can’t wait to see what amazing things you will accomplish in the years to come.

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Yana Aduana vying for Miss Philippines Earth 2023 representing Laguna #YanaAduana #Laguna

Yana Aduana: A Beacon of Beauty and Advocacy from Laguna

Yana Aduana, a stunning beauty from Laguna, is making waves in the pageant world as a contestant in Miss Philippines Earth 2023. With her captivating charm, intelligence, and dedication to making a difference in the world, she is quickly becoming a favorite amongst pageant enthusiasts.

Hailing from the picturesque province of Laguna, Yana Aduana embodies the beauty and grace of a true Filipina. Her radiant smile and confident demeanor are only a few of the many reasons why she has captured the hearts of many.

But Yana is not just a pretty face. She is also a woman of substance with a strong passion for environmental advocacy. With the theme of Miss Philippines Earth focusing on environmental awareness and conservation, Yana is committed to using her platform to raise awareness about the urgent need to protect our planet.

Yana Aduana is working tirelessly to promote sustainable practices in her community and beyond. She is actively involved in tree-planting initiatives, beach clean-ups, and environmental education programs. Through her advocacy, she hopes to inspire others to take action and make a positive impact on the environment.

In addition to her advocacy work, Yana is also a role model for young girls aspiring to join the pageant world. She believes that beauty pageants are not just about glamour and fame, but also about using one’s platform to effect positive change in society.

As a contestant in Miss Philippines Earth 2023, Yana Aduana is determined to make a difference and leave a lasting impact. With her combination of beauty, brains, and passion for environmental advocacy, she is truly a force to be reckoned with.

Yana Aduana is a shining example of what it means to be a beauty queen with a purpose. Her relentless dedication to environmental advocacy and her commitment to making a difference in the world are truly commendable. As she continues her journey in the pageant world, we can only expect great things from this exceptional woman from Laguna. #YanaAduana #laguna

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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Guatemala Represented Well in Miss Universe 2018🇬🇹

Miss Universe 2018 was a highly anticipated event that brought together beauty queens from all over the world in a night of glamour, talent, and grace. Among the contestants was Miss Guatemala🇬🇹, who captured the hearts of many with her stunning beauty and grace.

Miss Guatemala🇬🇹, representing her country on a global stage, stood out with her unique charm and elegance. She brought a sense of pride and honor to her country as she showcased the beauty and culture of Guatemala to the world. Her poise and confidence were evident throughout the competition, and she impressed both the judges and the audience with her intelligence and charisma.

As the night unfolded, Miss Guatemala🇬🇹 captivated everyone with her radiant smile and graceful demeanor. She wowed the crowd with her stunning evening gown and impressed the judges with her eloquent answers during the question and answer portion of the competition. Her presence on stage was unforgettable, and she left a lasting impression on everyone who watched her perform.

Although Miss Guatemala🇬🇹 did not take home the crown that night, she made her country proud and represented Guatemala with grace and style. She may not have won the title of Miss Universe, but she won the hearts of many with her beauty, intelligence, and charm.

Miss Guatemala🇬🇹 will always be remembered as a shining star in the world of beauty pageants, and her presence at Miss Universe 2018 was truly a memorable one. Her beauty, grace, and elegance will continue to shine bright, not only in Guatemala but also in the hearts of her fans around the world. She is truly a beauty queen to be admired and celebrated for her exceptional talent and charisma.

In conclusion, Miss Guatemala🇬🇹 may not have won the title of Miss Universe, but she will forever hold a special place in the hearts of many as a true beauty queen who represented her country with pride and honor. She is a symbol of beauty, elegance, and grace, and her presence at Miss Universe 2018 will never be forgotten. Congratulations to Miss Guatemala🇬🇹 for a job well done, and for being a shining example of beauty and grace on a global stage.

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Meeting Miss Maine Teen USA 2019

This past weekend, a new Miss Maine Teen USA was crowned in a glittering ceremony that showcased the beauty, talent, and intelligence of the young women vying for the prestigious title. After a fierce competition, 17-year-old Madison Sawyer emerged victorious, winning the coveted title of Miss Maine Teen USA 2019.

Madison, a high school senior from Portland, impressed the judges and audience with her grace, poise, and charisma. She competed in evening gown, swimsuit, and interview rounds, showcasing her confidence and intelligence throughout the competition. Madison also wowed the crowd with her talent, performing a contemporary dance routine that left everyone in awe.

In addition to her impressive performance on stage, Madison is also a dedicated student and community volunteer. She is involved in numerous extracurricular activities, including dance and theater, and she volunteers her time at a local charity organization. Madison is truly a well-rounded young woman with a bright future ahead of her.

As Miss Maine Teen USA 2019, Madison will have the opportunity to represent her state at the upcoming Miss Teen USA pageant, where she will compete against young women from across the country. She will also serve as an ambassador for Maine, promoting her platform and making appearances at events and charitable functions throughout the state.

We have no doubt that Madison will represent Maine with grace, elegance, and pride. We wish her all the best as she embarks on this exciting journey as Miss Maine Teen USA 2019. Congratulations, Madison!

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Dymaisei Mermaid Sequin Prom Dresses 2024 Sparkly Satin Formal Dress with Slit One Shoulder Ball Gowns

Price: $75.99
(as of Jun 23, 2024 22:21:53 UTC – Details)

From the brand


Welcome to Dymaisei

We Supply Different Style of Prom Dresses, Bridesmaid Dress, Formal Evening Gowns, Homecoming Dress,Wedding Dress etc…

Prom Dresses 2023

Fashion Homecoming Dresses

One Shoulder Prom Dresses

Spaghetti Strap Prom Dresses

Bridesmaid Dresses

Wedding Dresses 2023

Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5 x 3 x 3 inches; 2 Pounds
Item model number ‏ : ‎ SY06-Black-US2
Department ‏ : ‎ womens
Date First Available ‏ : ‎ May 17, 2022
Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Dymaisei

Customers say

Customers like the fit, appearance and quality of the dress. For example, they mention it fits perfectly, the royal blue color is beautiful and the detachable train.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Reviewer: Amazon Customer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Gorgeous
Review: I originally ordered a size too big, but loved the dress so I quickly ordered a smaller size in time for my birthday party. The Royal Blue color was beautiful and I loved that the dress has a detachable train. I looked and felt like a princess for the entire night! Be sure to order in advance since it̢۪s shipped from overseas. You will also have to pay for return shipping to their US address.

Reviewer: Chiquita Pitts
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Love it
Review: I absolutely loved this dress. Great material, true to size

Reviewer: Lex Ru
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: My Wedding Dress
Review: I was so nervous it wouldnt come in time. It came in time, loved it. Will upload photos later.

Reviewer: Just Tosh
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Very Beautiful Like The Picture
Review: This dress had a sewing defect in the back with the extra hook. It̢۪s true to size runs a little big and the top area. Very heavy material. Good quality just ordered a little early for shipping purposes.

Reviewer: Ms. SociaLight
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: My wedding dress 😍
Review: I chose this dress for #theroyalmwamburis wedding day!Nice fit. I actually had to get the dress taken in a little due to the size 12 being too big. Everyone loved how the dress looked & I am very pleased 😀

Reviewer: Gregory Hughes
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Prom dress
Review: Is beautiful and good quality , my daughter love it.

Reviewer: Zita Borcsa
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: You can make adjustments on the skirt if you need to
Review: Loved the dress got heads turned , felt absolutely beautiful in it. I just had to make a small adjustment on the skirt it wouldn̢۪t how do you say it wouldn̢۪t fasten all the way, but we managed to take some material of the skirt and make adjustment with a small bolt. It came out perfect. Loved it. I will wear it for the next event.

Reviewer: liketoread
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Show stopper!!!!
Review: This dress is beautiful and fits perfectly. Originally I ordered the wrong size but sent the seller my measurements. They contacted me and made the dress according to the measurements using the chart they provided. The seller went above and beyond to get this dress in the correct size to me in time for homecoming. They were amazing and the dress is wonderful.

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MllesReve Womens Long Strapless Satin Prom Dress Sleeveless Slit Evening Ball Gown with Pockets

Price: $93.99
(as of Jun 23, 2024 21:20:58 UTC – Details)

From the brand

Christmas Formal Dresses Christmas Formal Dresses

MllesReve Store

Welcome to our store. We have different style of formal dress, evening dress, prom dress, bridesmaid dress, homecoming dress etc.

Long Formal Dresses

Short Homecoming Prom Dresses

Tulle Prom Dresses

Women Short Party Dresses

Bridesmaid Dresses

Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.98 Pounds
Item model number ‏ : ‎ EB091305
Department ‏ : ‎ womens
Date First Available ‏ : ‎ September 23, 2019
Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Ever-Beauty
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07Y835YL3

Customers say

Customers like the quality of the dress, mentioning it’s well-made and made of nice material. They appreciate the pockets, value, and appearance. That said, opinions are mixed on weight, fabric, cut, and fit.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Reviewer: Allison
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Glamour and High Fashion
Review: This dress was absolutely stunning!! The fabric was luxurious and full. It fit very nicely and has pockets!! My only criticism was the cup of the bust dips too far on the sides for my liking. I solved that problem by adding some folded ruffles. I received so many compliments on this dress. I ordered a size 8 and I wear an 8 dress. I am 5’9″ bare feet and close to or over 6′ with heels. The dress is definitely long but it was perfect with the 4″ heels I was wearing.

Reviewer: JR
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Well structured
Review: I ordered a custom size, it’s hard to find an evening gown in petite sizes that looks good, feels good and doesn’t drown out the frame (or make you look like you’re going to prom). Very well made and fits like a glove – recommended

Reviewer: Beauty&Brains
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Worth the Money
Review: Pros: it has a built in crinoline so you dont have to wear one. Its between the lining and shell so you dont feel it. The bust is lined with moderate foam to give a really nice shape and has a bra band in it so if you dont need the extra help, no need to hunt for a strapless bra. The belt is detachable so you dont have to wear it. IT HAS FREAKING POCKETS! Who doesnt like a dress with hidden pockets?Cons: the hem line isn’t as defined as Id like. The crinoline fabric is a little loud, if that would bother you. My top 3 buttons (the back has a hidden half zipper and the buttons) are all very loose but easy enough to fix. Not all of my seems on the skirt are perfectly sewn but you only notice on the hanger and if you really look closely. They’re strong though and that’s most important.Overall, it’s worth the price and looks more expensive on. Could certainly be worn multiple times. It’s not the softest satin available but certainly not rough. Have yourself measured properly and USE THE SIZE CHART IN THE PHOTOS. I haven’t measured mine but I ordered down a size on purpose and it seems to be exactly the size I thought it would be. Shipping was fast for a dress this style. It will need steaming to release creases.

Reviewer: maria galvez
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Stunning
Review: I was so nervous about wearing something this big for my cousins wedding. But it̢۪s so elegant and so beautiful. The color (teal) was so perfect. I sent them my measurements and they made and sent it in time for the event. I did however take it to alterations to have it hemmed and straps added. I wasn̢۪t comfortable with the strapless part once I put it on. But that̢۪s a personal preference. The fabric is of good quality and it̢۪s well made. Great buy.

Reviewer: Sophia
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: high quality, floofiest of dresses
Review: I got a size 6 in black, and the bust is way too big, but honestly even if I didn’t get it tailored to fit, you don’t really notice how big the bust is on me (see pictures). My bust is 85 cm, my nat waist is 71 cm, and my hips are at 81 cm (hips don’t matter – A-line dress). I’m 5’6 and in ~2.5 inch heels, the dress hit exactly where it should. Fit me super well for a dress not literally made for my body.Truly as close to the original picture as you can expect. Wonderful, thick quality, well-sewn. The back has a wonderful set of buttons, but a slight note, the buttons have white string to pull them closed which stands out on the black fabric (not really good or bad, but something). I’m giving it 5 stars even though it had a slight problem (see below) because honestly you could not get a better quality dress for the price.There is a built-in bra, which holds the boning up wonderfully. It does not slip! There are even pockets big enough to hold an iphone plus. The slit is perfect, and there is a natural floof to it, so I don’t need to get a bustle like I was worried about. It trails behind you when you walk. Understated but gorgeous.Edit: 4 stars because I sewed each button on myself to make sure it would fall off (was held on by a thread). And a button did fall off when I pulled it out, but I’m getting it tailored so I’ll probably have them fix it. Kind of a bummer because its super noticeable but I also might be able to super glue it back on.

Reviewer: Robin
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Style and confort
Review: I wore both the gown and mask to a formal event this past Sunday. I was stunning!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Reviewer: Kayla
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Wrong color, way to big
Review: 3 stars because the dress came super fast, and was a nicely made dress. Returning it was effortless, and I was refunded quickly. 3 stars because it̢۪s not burgundy, it̢۪s bright red (pictures next to my husbands burgundy suit for reference) I am a 16 US sized, but after communicating with the seller, we opted for a size 22 with a corset, It was way to big.

Reviewer: Christy
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Run don’t walk to buy
Review: I was very skeptical when I ordered this dress if it would fit me and look elegant. I wear a size 10 my measurements are 36-30-42. I ordered this to attend a Masquerade ball and the dress fits perfectly. I’m only 5’2 so I am having it tailored to my height in heels but I LOVE this dress. My alterations lady even commented how beautifully it fits and is made especially for the cost. Can’t wait to wear it!

Reviewer: Cindy
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: I bought it for my daughter, it is true to the size. Communication with seller was great. Material of the dress is good quality. Color was exactly the same of my order. We added the sparkling belt. We order the dress with corset in the back instead of zipper, it was the best option because you can adjust to fit better. I requested express shipping and it was received within promised timeframe. Fully satisfied with the dress

Reviewer: John
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: I was a little scared of buying a prom dress online, but when it arrived it the mail it was perfect. It came earlier than expected, and I payed the 7$ more to get it customized to my size, to add spaghetti straps, and a corset back. I would definitely recommend paying 7$ more to get it customized. The dress fits perfectly and the color is perfect (teal), the material is nice and thick it just needs some steaming. I would 100% recommend this dress, the seller is very kind and answers any questions very quickly.

Reviewer: JCM
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: I will 100% buy dresses from this seller again. I ordered a dress according to the size chart. But then I sent an email to the seller immediately after purchasing the dress. I asked if I could customize the fit since I am short and curvy. They got back to me right away and for only $7 Canadian $ extra, I was able to give them my exact measurements and have a custom fit dress. They even sewed spaghetti straps on a strapless dress since I requested this addition.When the dress arrived, it was packaged perfectly. No wrinkles when I took it out. The dress is pouffy enough to not need any petticoat, the fabric is substantial. It doesn̢۪t feel cheap at all. The sewing is great. The lace up corset at the back enables me to have room to change my size a bit. Overall, it is just a beautiful dress and the seller is very kind, attentive and helpful. The dress arrived in plenty of time for my event. I highly recommend this seller.

Reviewer: R M
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: I ordered a custom corset to be added which was forgotten. The seller was quick to reply and the corrections were made. Excellent quality fabric. Dress is just as pictured. I was very impressed. I would absolutely order a product from this seller again. I received SOOOO many compliments on my dress at our event. I couldn’t have been more pleased with how it turned out.

Reviewer: Tonya paris
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: I wasn̢۪t sure what to expect and I was worried abt the delivery date. But baby! Let me tell you, first it was early!!! Next it̢۪s absolutely what the pic shows. The color is vibrant (a royal blue) and the material feels great! Also mine came with a corset (which I actually forgot to order) but happy I got it!!I have a black tie event in less then a week and now I̢۪m excited to go!!

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Women’s Off Shoulder Long Satin Prom Dresses Princess A-Line Formal Gowns Evening Party Dress with High Split

Price: $89.99
(as of Jun 23, 2024 20:20:12 UTC – Details)

Welcome to Xjizu Store for shopping:
Hand-made and Gorgeous design makes the dress perfect for prom,evening party,ball gown,wedding,bridesmaids,engagement,military ball,black tie,quinceanera,graduation ceremony,birthday party,Beauty Pageant party and other formal or semi-formal special occasions.High quality material gives you comfortable feeling!

Fabric: Satin
Design: Slit,with pockets
Silhouette:A Line
Dresses Length:Floor Length
Back: Lace-up
Neck: Sweetheart Neck with off shoulder.
Features: This prom dresses long ball gown features sweetheart neckline,off the shoulder,sexy high slit/split,adjustable lace up back, sleeveless,built in bra and full length.
Ideal gift for your family, lover, friend and yourself.

For accurate measurements of Bust, Waist, Hips and Hollow to Floor, please kindly refer to our Size Chart Picture.
Custom is available,please reference our measure method on the left and send us follow information.
1.Full Bust ___ inch or ___ cm
2.Waist _____ inch or ___ cm
3.Hips _____ inch or ___ cm
4.Shoulder to Shoulder ____ inch or ___ cm
5.Waist to floor ____ inch or ___ cm
6.Hollow to waist(Front Length Shoulder to Waist) _____ inch or ___ cm
7.Hollow to floor(Shoulder to Feet without in shoes) ___ inch or ___ cm
8.Height: _____inch or ___ cm
9.The height of your high heel shoes: _____inch or ___ cm
You can tell us your specific size, before or after your order.

1. The real color of the item may be slightly different from the pictures shown on website caused by many factors such as brightness of your monitor and light brightness.
2. Please allow slight deviation for the measurement data.

Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 16.34 x 12.52 x 3.58 inches; 4.02 Pounds
Item model number ‏ : ‎ XJ126BUR-US2
Department ‏ : ‎ womens
Date First Available ‏ : ‎ January 15, 2024

Reviewer: NH
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: It̢۪s a lot of dress
Review: Pretty but sooo much fabric. Super long and thick. I ended up returning.

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Sukleet Women’s One Shoulder Prom Dresses Long Satin Side Slit Formal Evening Gowns with Pockets

Price: $59.98
(as of Jun 23, 2024 19:18:55 UTC – Details)

Product Description

One Shoulder Prom Dresses Long Ball Gown for Women with Slit Pleat Evening Gown pleated one shoulder prom dresses with pockets high slit ball gown quinceanera dress evening gownspleated one shoulder prom dresses with pockets high slit ball gown quinceanera dress evening gowns

This beautiful dress with sexy backless high split and pockets ,can be dressed as prom dress, formal dress, bridesmaid dress, evening dress, wedding guest dress, homecoming dresses , etc. Start with this one shoulder dress, prepare to be charming and get lots of compliments

One Shoulder Ball Gown Prom Dress Popular Colors high slit satin prom dresses for women ball gown with pockets one shoulder evening party gownshigh slit satin prom dresses for women ball gown with pockets one shoulder evening party gowns

One Shoulder Split Satin Prom Dress Product Details one shoulder prom dresses for teens ball gown with pockets ruched satin evening dresses for womenone shoulder prom dresses for teens ball gown with pockets ruched satin evening dresses for women

The Elegant Satin Prom Dress Features,One Shoulder,Pleated/Ruched,One Shoulder,Floor Length,A Line,Zipper Back,Sleeveless,Slit/Split,Side Pockets,Lace Up,Built in bra

One Shoulder Long Prom Dress Customer Show one shoulder prom dresses for teens ball gown pleated satin evening dress formal gowns for womenone shoulder prom dresses for teens ball gown pleated satin evening dress formal gowns for women

Satin Prom Dresses

Prom Dresses 2024

One Shoulder


Cowl Neck




A Line



With Slit


One Shoulder


V Neck



Lace Sequin

A Line



With Slit


One Shoulder


Spaghetti Straps



Velvet Sequin

A Line



With Slit


One Shoulder


Spaghetti Strap



Lace Sequin

A Line



With Slit


Sequin Corset Prom Dress sequin corset prom dresses mermaid evening dresses for women ball gown split formal party gowns Silver Sequin lace Dress sequin lace prom dresses long ball gown v neck mermaid evening dresses formal party gown for teens Mermaid Corset Prom Dress corset prom dresses 2024 sparkly sequin mermaid evening dresses formal gown for women teens juniors Lace Sequin Prom Dress glitter sequin lace prom dresses for teens ball gown corset evening dresses with slit formal gowns

Department ‏ : ‎ girls
Date First Available ‏ : ‎ September 13, 2023

Customers say

Customers like the appearance, fit and quality of the dress. They mention that it’s stunning, has a beautiful color and draping. They appreciate the thick fabric and great form.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Reviewer: Tonya Dalcour
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Nice fir
Review: I got this and it fit really good and the material was nice and on point . I would recommend it and surly purchase again.

Reviewer: Jasmine
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Beautiful dress
Review: Peacock color, I’m 5’4” 130 pounds, size 4 was a bit too small for me but I had a short window for the event I was attending so I had to make it work using body shape wear to cinch my waist. If I had time I would have sized up. Express shipping made it here in time (in less than a week). I had to also modify length taking off about an inch and a half from the bottom. My dress was the best one there. Everyone was complimenting me!

Reviewer: Lauren Ebeling
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Perfect for a Formal Event
Review: The color was not the teal that I thought, it was definitely more of a true blue. I wore this to a charity event and it was PERFECT! The fabric was thick, it had pockets and great form. Fit me like a glove and I got SO many complements!

Reviewer: Megan Leonard
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Absolutely stunning!!
Review: Great quality, the company had great customer service and I couldn’t be happier! I got it in Emerald green to go see Wicked on Broadway!! It’s a smidgen too small, but that is 100% my fault (didnt take measurements correctly) and I will find a way to suck it in to wear this beautiful dress!!Edit: I made it fit and couldn’t be happier!!

Reviewer: lalee
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Beautiful color and draping
Review: Runs a bit large in the bodice, and I’m rather full in the bust….. Wish it had a bit higher rise in the armpits. The skirt was beautiful, the slit was deceiving in that it was not as revealing as it appeared (thankfully). Lots of positive comments, wish I had ordered a size smaller as it would have been a more comfortable fit.

Reviewer: Coco
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Vestido
Review: Muy bonito

Reviewer: Candace E Blackmon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great buy!
Review: Dress fits great! At a fraction of what I̢۪m use to paying, so I̢۪m happy. In regular clothes I̢۪m a 2 & in gowns I typically need a 6 in evening gowns. I bought a 6 and it fits as good as my custom made gowns. Will be ordering in another color to have another one.

Reviewer: Latoshi Albarran
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Stunning in person
Review: This is such a beautiful dress. Be aware it has no give at the top. You will feel like the bell of the ball in it. Stunning.

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UZN Off Shoulder Satin Prom Dresses Long Cowl Neck with Slit Mermaid Formal Evening Party Gowns

Price: $44.99
(as of Jun 23, 2024 18:17:54 UTC – Details)

Product Description

UZN Off The Shoulder Satin Prom Dresses Long Formal Party Evening Gown with Slit Off shoulder cowl neck satin prom dressesOff shoulder cowl neck satin prom dresses

UZN is a professional manufacturer of prom dresses, evening gowns, wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, ball gown, and other formal dresses.

Features corset bodice detailcorset bodice detail

Satin Bridesmaid Dresses for Wedding

The perfect dress for the modern bride or bridesmaid, its elegant form is cut from fluid satin to ensure a smooth drape. The bias cowl neckline is suspended from delicate tie fastening off shoulder that are adjustable for ultimate comfort and ease. The skirt overlaps at the waist seam to create a dramatic leg opening.

Multi colors for your choice. hot colorhot color

Lilac prom dresses for women, black prom dresses, light blue prom dresses, peacock prom dresses for women, long olive green prom dresses, blush prom dresses for women, pink prom dress, purple prom dress, orange prom dress, lavender prom dress, silver prom dress, sage green prom dress

Buyers Show satin prom dresses long with side splitsatin prom dresses long with side split

Occasions buyers shows displaybuyers shows display

This elegant formal dress is perfect prom, bridesmaids, wedding, evening, homecoming, graduation, cocktail, pageant, anniversary, photography, Christmas, festival, birthday etc.

More Styles from UZN

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Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars

4.1 out of 5 stars

4.3 out of 5 stars

4.5 out of 5 stars

4.3 out of 5 stars








Elastic Satin

Flower Embroidery Tulle

Sparkly Starry Tulle

Elastic Satin

Elastic Satin



A Line

A Line


A Line


Cowl Neck

Sweetheart Neck

V Neck

One Shoulder



Off Shoulder

Long Puffy Sleeves






Pleats,with Pockets

Pleats,Slit,with Pockets


Pleats,Slit,with Pockets

Custom Size






Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 15 x 10.87 x 2.24 inches; 1.22 Pounds
Department ‏ : ‎ womens
Date First Available ‏ : ‎ November 8, 2023

Reviewer: Lev Meyer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Perfect
Review: Probably the best thing I̢۪ve ever bough on here very beautiful and fits perfect. For only 45$ it̢۪s very good quality.

Reviewer: Olivia Wang
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Amazing
Review: An amazingly flattering dress. I wore this for my formal and I got sooo many compliments on it. The sizing is pretty forgiving because it is a true corset style back and the corset front is very form fitting. The dress is not too long so I can wear it with heels and not worry about tripping on it as a 5’2″ girlie. The fabric is silky smooth and comfortable

Reviewer: Jordan Burton
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Beautifully made!
Review: This is a beautiful dress!! Wore it for a wedding. Got lots of comments! I had to have a few adjustments made. But all in all, it was a great fit. The seller of the shop is amazing! Quick response to any questions and quick and easy delivery. A great place to shop for a dress! It was comfortable and the back ties makes it easy to adjust.

Reviewer: Logan Mcdonald
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: The color is beautiful. Fits very nicely.
Review: This dress looks really great and complemented my shape! It was very comfortable. This is my second dress from UZN and they did a great job once again!

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The post UZN Off Shoulder Satin Prom Dresses Long Cowl Neck with Slit Mermaid Formal Evening Party Gowns appeared first on Own That Crown.

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UZN Off Shoulder Tiered Tulle Prom Dresses Long Mermaid Lace with Slit Formal Evening Party Gowns

Price: $84.99
(as of Jun 23, 2024 17:16:50 UTC – Details)

Product Description

UZN Long Tulle Tiered Prom Dress with Slit Mermaid Lace Formal Party Gowns

Videos for Colors Show

Hot Pink Tiered Tulle Prom Dresses

UZN Off Shoulder Ruffles Tulle Prom Dress Slit with Sparkly Sequins

Black Tiered Tulle Prom Dresses

UZN Sweetheart Lace Tulle Formal Evening Party Gowns Backless Mermaid

Lilac Tiered Tulle Prom Dresses

UZN Sparkly Tulle Layered Prom Gowns for Teens Womens 2024

Red Tiered Tulle Prom Dresses

UZN Long Tight Tulle Prom Dress with Slit Lace Sequin

Navy Blue Tiered Tulle Prom Dresses

UZN Long Tiered Tulle Evening Party Gowns for Formal Mermaid

Emerald Green Tiered Tulle Prom Dresses

UZN Bodycon Tulle Prom Dresses Layered Lace-ip Back Corset Formal Dress

Popular Colors hot colorshot colors

Black Tiered Lace Tulle Prom Dresses Long for Women with Split 2024 Mermaid

off shoulderoff shoulder Off Shoulder

The collision of sexy off shoulder and cute sweetheart neck

mermaidmermaid Mermaid

Mermaid silhouette showcases your graceful figure

bodice bonedbodice boned Bodice Boned

A little of perspective mesh paired with a bodice boned

lace-up backlace-up back Lace-up Back

lace-up back helps you easily adjust size

Buyer Show Display buyers show

Perfect as prom dress, evening dress, formal dress, quinceanera ball gown, wedding guest dress, pageant dress, banquet dress, semi formal dress, evening party dress, party dress, elegant dress etc.

More options from UZN

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Customer Reviews

4.5 out of 5 stars

4.1 out of 5 stars

4.3 out of 5 stars

4.5 out of 5 stars

4.1 out of 5 stars








Tiered Tulle Lace

Flower Embroidery Tulle

Sparkly Starry Tulle

Silk Satin

Flower Embroidery Tulle

with Slit












Lace-up Back

Lace-up Back

Lace-up Back

Lace-up Back

Lace-up Back


Off Shoulder

Off Shoulder


One Shoulder

Cold Shoulder

Department ‏ : ‎ womens
Date First Available ‏ : ‎ November 21, 2023

Customers say

Customers like the appearance, fit and quality of the dress. For example, they mention it’s gorgeous, true to size and tall person friendly. That said, they appreciate the thick and durable material.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Reviewer: La Tosha T. Swinson
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Beautiful dress
Review: It is even more beautiful in person. My daughter is nicely shaped and it fit snug and well! We both loved this dress the moment we saw it! Highly recommend!

Reviewer: Lee
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: A princess
Review: My daughter looked like an absolute princess. This was the most gorgeous dress I̢۪ve ever seen and it fit her beautifully. It did rub her underarms a bit, but otherwise she looked amazing!!

Reviewer: Enisa Aliu
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: great dress but size up
Review: really stunning dress truly! For the price it̢۪s pretty good. it̢۪s not as poofy as the picture shows but it̢۪s perfect in every other way. it is a bit itchy because of the sparkles but either than that it̢۪s pretty good. one suggestion size up. this fit me perfect except for the the lower half. it̢۪s beautiful but will have to return because of this. and it̢۪s also tall person friendly. (reached the floor with my 2 inch heals (i̢۪m 5̢۪10))!

Reviewer: Wedding dress
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Amazing quality
Review: True to size and perfect for the price

Reviewer: Celeste
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Cute dress
Review: Dress is super pretty. Looks just like photo. Isn’t quite as full on as it appears but still really pretty. Size was correct if not just a little big. Very Good dress for the price !

Reviewer: Verified Customer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Stunning dress!
Review: This was a beautiful dress for my daughter̢۪s Senior prom! It fit her perfectly, only needed hemming, as she is short. Would definitely recommend!

Reviewer: Spud
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Absolutely perfect
Review: Everything I could’ve asked for, perfect show stopper, highly recommend!

Reviewer: Family Account
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Prom Dress Shopping
Review: This dress is a beautiful alternative to the Sherri Hill style #55801. Granted it is NOT exact in the ways of its not as shimmery and shinny from the sequence and the corset midsection is not transparent it has a fabric backing to it. The material is thick and seems to be durable. The train is exceptionally long and beautiful. Sizing is slightly big if you follow the measurement chart. We ordered a size 4 because that̢۪s what the chart recommended according to her measurements but it was very large and she could̢۪ve most likely fit into a 2. But thankfully due to such fast shipping from seller we got it before expected and we have time to get it altered. The seller was very prompt about getting back to me when I had concerns due to tracking and was very helpful and professional. Overall experience was great ordering.

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The post UZN Off Shoulder Tiered Tulle Prom Dresses Long Mermaid Lace with Slit Formal Evening Party Gowns appeared first on Own That Crown.

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